User-driven development
- User feedback an integral part in developing IDP Online
- Continuous stakeholder consultation
- Subject of rigorous piloting, with users at the heart of the development process
- IDP Online already operational in some Welsh LEAs
As a primary school which took part in the pilot, we have been involved with this forward-thinking project right from the start, and it is good to see it having developed into a live, convenient, safe, confidential and paper-free system. After receiving an invitation and an individual account, all stakeholders, including parents, can access an Individual Development Plan. This ensures everyone is aware of the person-centred aspirations, aims and targets, ensuring all necessary information follows the child, whichever their educational placement. In the face of the [COVID-19] pandemic, an online plan has been invaluable – connecting parents, agencies, specialists, teachers, panels and forums, especially for transitions – from class to class, or transition from primary to secondary. It is an essential tool to assist practitioners to ensure that children with ALN receive the best possible service, expertise, guidance and opportunities.
Headteacher – Ysgol Esceifiog (Primary School)
The IDP online is a practical tool to facilitate the work of collating key pupil information. It offers a structured approach to building a complete learner profile, and is a convenient way to share information between schools, parents, agencies and the Local Authority. It uses the IDP as the basis of any discussions and smooths the transition process, especially during this difficult period [COVID-19],and has given a clear focus to constructive discussion.
Deputy and ALNCo – Ysgol Glan y Môr (Secondary School)
“A much, much better system than a paper-based system and everything is in a central place.”
“Reduce the volume of paperwork, and teachers and assistants can have Access which is even better.”
“The Online System has been a blessing! Thank you for it. “
“It has reduced the workload as it saves all the versions, and all the information is in one place.”
“The IDP is an excellent way for me to be a part of my child’s education, and it’s great that we can look at this together at home on the ipad and discuss how things are going. Thanks!”